"Exposing Beauty Unseen By The Naked Eye"

Friday, February 29, 2008

Leap Into a New Day!

This morning I spent some time driving and taking in all of the beauty that God has so marvelously created. My drive started out pretty early when it was still dark. I was anticipating the sunrise and when it arrived I was blessed with a wonderful sight. I wanted to share it with you as well as encourage you. Our day to day lives are so very busy and full of things that bog us down, stress us out, and cause us to miss out on truly "living" our lives. The simple pleasures and peaceful aspects are left un-noticed and forgotten. If we're not careful, life may pass us by as we are standing still with our focus fixed on the same mundane routines. The final three images below depict just that.

Take some time today, on this extra "Leap Day" of the year to connect with those forgotten treasures of life that bring joy and gladness to you. Redirect your focus, and "see" a new thing. Give thanks for the many possibilities a new day brings!

Continued Blessings!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Got beads??

Last night in LA.....Los Angeles that is, Plei was in full effect - "Mardis Gras Style"! Yet another memorable night with lots of things to do to earn a few beads around your neck. We're talking about games of course, LoL! Add the usual good food, drinks, dancing, and great people and there's no need to travel all the way to New Orleans to celebrate.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Howdy Ya'll!

U don't have 2 be rich 2 be my girl
U don't have 2 be cool 2 rule my world
Ain't no particular sign I'm more compatible with
I just want your extra time and your . . . . . kiss

Who needs a video when you can live out the lyrics of a song right? I was able to capture this beautiful couple's tender love for one another while I was hangin' out in Houston, Texas. It really does still exist.....
Aahhh love, SWEET LOVE!

That reminds me, and it should remind you as well that Valentine's Day is coming..... A special photograph for that special someone would make the perfect gift.
Give me a call to schedule your personal photo session today!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Music

Several of you have inquired about the music that is playing on the website and whether or not it can be purchased. Well, ask and ye shall receive! The song you hear is called "People", by Noland Womack. The song is featured on a new compilation album entitled "In The Shadow of an Icon", and is in stores now! Here is a link to the information about the album
Congratulations on the album release Noland!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The PLEIer's Ball

This past weekend I not only had the pleasure to attend "The PLEIer's Ball", but to capture some very awesome images of the event as well.

PLEI is a fun-filled alternative to the everyday club scene.
It hosts any and every game imaginable in a very cool environment designed to allow all who attend the opportunity to Mingle & PLEI.

Not only are there plenty of games, but there's also food, drinks, music.....

And great people!

This particular PLEI was a special event however because the night allowed for the opportunity to play dress-up (pun intended).

For more information on PLEI visit http://www.myspace.com/mingleandplei

Monday, December 17, 2007

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like CHRISTmas!

The end of the year brings a wonderful time of the winter season..... CHRISTmas! Every year for the past 4 years I have been photographing one of my favorite families! I love working with them and each year's family shot rates high on my list of best work for the year. So thank you to the Womacks for our continued photography relationship! See What Eye See Photography is honored to be chosen to immortalize your family each year. :)

As you can see the photographer had to take advantage of the tripod being set up. So here's MY CHRISTmas postcard to your family......


Friday, November 30, 2007

Peaceful Sun-Setting

I decided to take a trip to the beach this evening. I wasn't sure that the Sun and the Sky would want to pose for me but I thought I'd take a chance anyway. Well, to my surprise, even though I arrived a bit later than I would have liked, I came away with a breathtaking night shot. Whatcha think?